
About Robocall Lawsuit

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So far Robocall Lawsuit has created 34 blog entries.

Google Robocall Scam Frustrates Small Business Owners

It's a new robocall scam that has Google, one of the largest companies in the world, taking legal action. Small businesses across the country say they're receiving phone calls from "local Google specialists," but the automated voice messages aren't really coming from Google, ZDNet writes. The calls are being placed by marketing firms who falsely [...]

By | 2018-07-18T13:43:00-04:00 July 25th, 2018|Robocall Scams|Comments Off on Google Robocall Scam Frustrates Small Business Owners

Robocalls Hit 3.4 Billion Per Month. Do Lawmakers Have An Answer?

In April 2017, Americans received around 3.4 billion annoying - and often illegal - robocalls, according to YouMail, one of the many companies currently helping people block telemarketer harassment through cell phone apps and home phone answering machine add-ons. YouMail's number - 3.36 billion robocalls in a single month - is a new record, but [...]

By | 2018-07-18T13:40:45-04:00 July 18th, 2018|Robocall Solutions|Comments Off on Robocalls Hit 3.4 Billion Per Month. Do Lawmakers Have An Answer?

Chinese Consulate Robocall Scam Infuriates, Swindles New Yorkers

A new robocall scam is making the rounds in New York City. Targeting Chinese and Chinese-American residents, the calls, usually in Mandarin, purport to come from employees at the Chinese consulate, who proceed to tell victims that their tax activity is being investigated by authorities in mainland China. Scammers Impersonate Chinese Officials To Defraud Victims [...]

By | 2018-06-05T11:27:20-04:00 June 5th, 2018|Robocall Scams|Comments Off on Chinese Consulate Robocall Scam Infuriates, Swindles New Yorkers

FCC Levels Record $120M Fine Against Man Who Allegedly Made 100M Illegal Robocalls

The Federal Communications Commission has announced its highest fine on record, a $120 million penalty imposed on a Florida man who reportedly placed about 100 million illegal robocalls, according to CNN Money. FL Man Defrauded Millions In Illegal Robocalls, FCC Says Adrian Abramovich, a resident of Miami, is "the perpetrator of one of the largest [...]

By | 2018-08-06T09:31:01-04:00 May 16th, 2018|Robocall Scams|Comments Off on FCC Levels Record $120M Fine Against Man Who Allegedly Made 100M Illegal Robocalls